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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Internet Marketing and Leveraging the Power of Syndication

By Jeffrey L. Smith

Considering most ranking battles are won as a result of content wars, the power of content syndication is a powerful equalizer for search engine optimization, conversion and exposure.  The tactical advantage of a company that strategically publishes keyword rich / critical content to reach a broader audience has a distinct advantage to a less visible competitor who may be relying on a smaller footprint or narrower array of phrases and channels for exposure.

Which would you rather have, one website touting your message or hundreds of websites syndicating your content through a ripple of synchronized promotion?  Just like you can lead a horse to water and not make them drink, not all traffic converts, unless the medium for exposure matches their impulse to purchase, their mood or can create the tension needed to fuel conversion (filling out a form, purchasing a product, taking action, etc.).

Many of the best kept SEO secrets revolve around the simple premise of reach and syndication. Considering gravity, impact and reach are all metrics which correspond to (a) which medium or mediums are in play (b) how authoritative the initial splash is and (c) how the ripple of syndication builds authority through citation to the original source.

Just as each keyword has a tipping point, every website needs a certain amount of saturation from related posts, pages or links to cross the tipping point and reach a ranking plateau.  This directly corresponds to two unique principles that search algorithms pay particular attention to (1) query deserves freshness and (2) citation and link velocity.

The spike in traffic or citation that spreads through search engines is algorithmically programmed to assess the signal to noise ratios of citation and determine if the signal is genuine or automated.  For example, when a breaking new story erupts, it can appear very similar to a mass scale of automation and the trust of the various sources is what often determines what gravity the page or post is given.

The Digg effect for example - when a page got to the first page of Digg has proven that the power of leveraging collective ripples can not only create a deluge of server-taxing traffic, but the aftermath that results is often accompanied by the page that was the fulcrum in the spotlight becoming buoyant and ranking in the top 10 search engine result pages as a result of the mass citation.

Just as the word "wedding" with its 720 million competing pages was easily conquered when a wedding video where the participants started with a normal looking wedding and then all began dancing in choreographed routines (unbeknownst to the groom and bride).

The point to take away from this is (1) attention equates to buoyancy in search engines and (2) viral success can result in superior search engine positioning.  The video still ranks to this day for the keyword wedding and if properly leveraged could represent a massive opportunity for monetization (even though it was intended as a joke). If leveraged properly, they could all laugh all the wat to the bank.

Syndication is what allows viral content to reach millions of potential consumers who in turn pass it on to others to consume and enjoy. While SEO is a broad connotation for all things related to search and search engine positioning, thinking outside the box and applying traffic generation strategies for conversion do not exceed it scope.

The takeaway from this one example represents the underlying premise of (1) assessing popular marketing or social media channels for your target demographic and (2) not trying to recreate the wheel to drive traffic to your website as much as finding a relevant traffic source and then funneling it to your offer.
Content is the medium for online consumption and through positioning your content (videos, landing pages, RSS feeds and articles) through prominent sites which have the ability to immediate gain traction and catapult your message in front of millions of potential readers.

By using this type of online promotion, you can scale your message to massive proportions by using multiple sites as the apex of your syndication and internet marketing strategy.
Jeffrey L. Smith is the Founder of SEO Design Solutions an SEO Company based in Chicago, IL for more information about their SEO services follow the links provided.