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Monday, January 25, 2010

Your Internet Marketing Campaign - Ideas That Are Hot

PR 101, when you're coming out with a press release to announce the launch of a website in your internet marketing campaign, you tie it to something that is already newsworthy and that is the way you get attention to your press releases. As I'm seeing it now, to build a new website, the first thing is, see what resources we've got, make sure we optimize on page and clean up what we can. Then we look through our own networks for JVs and look for what's easy and also leveraging off other sites that are in line and maybe complementary for what we are doing.  When you're working for a client, the first thing you're doing is going through all this brainstorming and mapping out a strategy and writing down, here is what we're going to do next. Actually there is some easy low hanging fruit to go after.

It's hidden resources in your internet marketing campaign. Very often you sit down with someone and they say, we've been buying this type of advertising, we've been doing a newsletter to our clients, whatever their general list of things is. Most of the time the biggest mistake people make is, they rely on only one or two channels of marketing. So they've been doing direct mail for a long time and they haven't really leveraged the internet. Or they are on the internet but they've never done a postcard marketing campaign.  There are things called hidden resources and that is where I will ask them, who their relatives are or who are the people they know? Where have they spoken before? They've spoken somewhere at a trade show last year but they didn't videotape it. They didn't even audio record it. The next thing in the hidden resources is their customers. Very often they don't use testimonials effectively, they don't have a capture method for testimonials.

The next thing we do in your internet marketing campaign is, look at the hidden resources where they already have processes in place. Say they install curtains in people's homes. They do house calls and they measure the windows and they install curtains. But they don't take a flip cam with them or train their installation people to have the person stand in front of the newly installed curtains and say, I just had Bob's Curtains in my house and they took off their shoes at the door, they cleaned up all the wood and plaster shavings before they left. Not only that, I have a beautiful set of curtains and it was a great price.  You capture the testimonial in the moment. They've already got somebody on site, they've got a happy customer, and maybe they send around somebody after who does an inspection but that person at the inspection doesn't ask one more question. Would you mind calling this special 1800 number and leaving a testimonial or better yet just have something in their hand, a voice recorder and record a testimonial. Give them $20 off to show your gratitude.

So that is just adding one more step to existing processes.  We have the existing resources, we've got reviewing the sites, also the possibility of JVs and also some of those hidden resources. I know there is a little bit of overlap there with a few of those different areas, like the existing resources and also your hidden resources as well. When you're working with a client it essentially brings us full circle back to the objective.
First we set the objective in your internet marketing campaign. We want to get twenty more leads a month for a company, let's say. That is their objective. Next is the strategy. The strategy is the high level big picture. We want to get twenty leads but we want to do it with pre qualified people who already have money in their pocket, have a preconceived notion of their pain and respect value. The strategy is to target those prospects. The tactics are then the things, well what do those people read? So I'm going to go in this newspaper, I'm going to go in that magazine, I'm going to get quoted in that magazine, I'm going to go on this website. So that's tactical.  Set the objective, look to the resources and your website is bound to become more popular.
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"Attraction Marketing" - The Modern Guerilla Tactic
First of all, I want you to know that I'm not a superstar. In fact, I'm just a regular guy who managed to finally found my way out from the bottom of the pits doing MLM, after teaming up with the right leaders and really figured it all out. I want to help those of you who are stuck in the same position as I was before. I want to show you a way to run your home business effectively, so that you won't be wasting your efforts and eventually failing and angry at the Network Marketing industry.  So, the first golden nugget that you need to take away from this article is: 
"It is not WHAT you sell, it is HOW you sell it".  And I teach something called "Attraction Marketing" to all my team members. You see, you want people to come to you. You don't want to be chasing other people. And once you understand this concept, you will be able to build your company on autopilot, WITHOUT chasing friends and family, making cold calls, buying leads and using other traditional methods of marketing.
If you are still using these old school methods, it is very likely that you will become one the 97% of network marketers who fail in this business. Why? Because these methods are difficult to implement, have little reach and most people don't like doing them anyway.  Also, these old school methods teach you to pitch anyone and everyone you know and meet. But if you are pitching it to everyone on the street, how can you expect to reach a qualified and interested audience?  Remember, its quality not quantity! But what if you could have both?  The major problem that we as network marketers face today, is that people have become immune to information and sales pitches. Think about all the spam and junk mail you receive on a daily basis. Or the solicitations that you get on the phone or at your home. People just switch off!

So with this iron wall of defense up, how are you suppose to get someone to join your business opportunity? The only way that you can successfully sell to someone is when they trust you and find value in what you have to say and want more of what you offer.  You must be able to offer value and expertise people want. Because quality prospects don't join a business based on products or a compensation plan, they join because they have found a leader that has equal or greater value than themselves who they can learn and emulate success from.  So what you need is some basic marketing education, a little bit of trial and error, and a sound marketing plan that includes paid advertisements and free/low cost web 2.0 strategies, and you are on your way to play with the big boys.  If you don't have a system of marketing your business on the internet, which is absolutely essential in this business if you want to have any type of success, then make sure you get one now!
Anthony Tan, Internet Marketer & MLM Global Specialist  If you want to learn more about a fully customizable lead generation system on the internet that allows you to integrate your own opportunity on the back end while generating over 14 streams of upfront income through a cleverly constructed funded proposal system, then visit my site here: